psl namespace
paradigm standard library
contains various utilities and constructs to aid you. In this you'll find constructs that allow event signalling, dealing with UTF encoded strings, etc...
psl::HasType | checks if the given type exists within the variadic args |
psl::HasType | checks if the given type exists within the variadic args |
Typedef documentation
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
using psl:: has_type = utility:: templates:: has_type<T, Ts...>
checks if the given type exists within the variadic args
Template parameters | |
T | type to search |
Ts | types to match against |
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
using psl:: index_of = utility:: templates:: index_of<T, Ts...>
retrieve the index of the type in the variadic args
Template parameters | |
T | type to find the index of |
Ts | types to match against |
template<size_t N, typename... Ts>
using psl:: type_at_index = utility:: templates:: type_at_index<N, Ts...>
get the type at the given index in the variadic args
Template parameters | |
N | index to retrieve |
Ts | types to select from |
template<size_t N, typename... Ts>
using psl:: type_at_index_t = typename type_ at_ index<N, Ts...>::type
get the type at the given index in the variadic args
Template parameters | |
N | index to retrieve |
Ts | types to select from |
template<typename... Ts>
using psl:: type_pack_t = utility:: templates:: type_pack_t<Ts...>
used to store packs of types to pass around as parameters without instantiating the type's objects
Template parameters | |
Ts | types to store |
template<typename T>
using psl:: container_to_type_pack_t = utility:: templates:: container_to_type_pack_t<T>
transforms a container like type (like tuple, or pair) into a psl::
Template parameters | |
T | target container to transform |
Function documentation
psl:: string8_t psl:: to_string8_t(const psl:: string& s)
converts a psl::
converts a psl::
Parameters | |
s in | string to convert. |
Returns | a psl:: |
psl:: string psl:: from_string8_t(const psl:: string8_t& s)
converts a UTF-8 string into a psl::
converts a UTF-8 string into a psl::
Parameters | |
s in | string to convert. |
Returns | a psl:: |
psl:: string8_t psl:: to_string8_t(psl:: string_view s)
converts a psl::
converts a psl::
Parameters | |
s in | string to convert. |
Returns | a psl:: |
psl:: string psl:: from_string8_t(psl:: string8:: view s)
converts a UTF-8 string into a psl::
converts a UTF-8 string into a psl::
Parameters | |
s in | string to convert. |
Returns | a psl:: |
psl:: pstring_t psl:: to_pstring(const psl:: string8_t& s)
converts a psl::
converts a psl::
converts a psl::
Parameters | |
s in | string to convert. |
Returns | a psl:: |
psl:: pstring_t psl:: to_pstring(psl:: string8:: view s)
converts a psl::
converts a psl::
Parameters | |
s in | string to convert. |
Returns | a psl:: |
void* psl:: memset(char_ t* _Dst,
char_ t _Val,
size_t _Size)
std::memset wrapper that auto-converts to std::wmemset when wchar == psl::
Parameters | |
_Dst in | destination location of what to memset |
_Val in | the value to set the _Dst to. |
_Size in | how many times this should be repeated. |
Returns | the location on success, or a nullptr on failure. |
FILE* psl:: popen(const char_ t* _Command,
const char_ t* _Mode)
wrapper for the platform specific popen command, changes its internals depending on psl::
Parameters | |
_Command in | the command to execute. |
_Mode in | mode of the returned stream. |
Returns | a FILE* handle on success. |
int psl:: pclose(FILE* _Stream)
wrapper around pclose.
Parameters | |
_Stream in | the FILE* handle you wish to close. |
Returns | a platform specific success code depending on what happened. |
char_ t* psl:: memcpy_s(char_ t*const _Destination,
char_ t const*const _Source,
size_t const _SourceSize)
wrapper around std::memcpy that changes behaviour depending on the size of psl::
Parameters | |
_Destination in | the destination to memcpy to. |
_Source in | the source to memcpy from. |
_SourceSize in | the amount of bytes to copy from the source. |
size_t psl:: strlen(const char_ t* _Str)
wrapper around strlen that changes behaviour depending on the size of psl::
Parameters | |
_Str in | the target string to count. |
Returns | the size of the string. |
template<typename... Args>
void psl:: fprintf(FILE*const _Stream,
char_ t const* _Format,
Args && ... args)
wrapper around fprintf that changes behaviour depending on the size of psl::
Parameters | |
_Stream in | pointer to a FILE object that identifies an output stream. |
_Format in | text you wish to write to the stream, with optional formatting instructions. |
args in | stream of variables you wish to send to forward to fprintf, the behaviour is unchanged. |
template<typename... Args>
void psl:: printf(char_ t const* _Format,
Args && ... args)
wrapper around printf that changes behaviour depending on the size of psl::
Parameters | |
_Format in | text you wish to write to the stream, with optional formatting instructions. |
args in | stream of variables you wish to send to forward to fprintf, the behaviour is unchanged. |
Variable documentation
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
static auto psl:: index_of_v constexpr
retrieve the index of the type in the variadic args
Template parameters | |
T | type to find the index of |
Ts | types to match against |
template<typename T>
static auto psl:: type_pack_size_v constexpr
retrieve the size of a type pack
Template parameters | |
T | the type pack you want to extract the size from |
template<typename T, typename Container>
static auto psl:: container_has_type_v constexpr
checks if the container's template arguments contains the given type.
Template parameters | |
T | the type to search for. |
Container | container type to search in. |