
  • core the engine core, here all graphics resources and render operations are described.
    • vertex_stream_t vertex_stream_t contains a type erased "stream" of memory with basic facilities to protect it from incorrect casts.
  • memory this namespace contains types and utilities for managing regions of memory
    • allocator_base base class that defines the interface for an allocator.
    • block_allocator predifined block size allocator, much faster than most allocators, but can only allocate one sized blocks.
    • default_allocator default allocator that internally works using lists
    • range_t defines a begin/end location in (virtual) memory (in respect to the region, or segment).
    • region defines a region of memory that might be physically backed depending on the allocator.
    • segment a segment defines a addressable and mapped region of memory.
    • sparse_array container type that is fast to iterate, but has non-continuous interface
  • psl paradigm standard library
    • concepts Utility concepts.
    • math conversions
    • string16 UTF-16 class namespace that contains the typedefs for the string objects, as well as helper methods.
    • string32 UTF-32 class namespace that contains the typedefs for the string objects, as well as helper methods.
    • string8 UTF-8 class namespace that contains the typedefs for the string objects, as well as helper methods.
    • sparse_array container type that is fast to iterate, but has non-continuous interface
    • static_ring_array a deque-like interface implemented as an std::array<T, N> under the hood
    • UID final is an object holding a Unique IDentifier (UID)
    • view_ptr a non-owning 'smart' pointer type
  • std STL namespace.
  • utility this namespace contains various helper utilities to aid you.
    • binary contains various utilities in helping you to convert to, and from a byte stream.
    • geometry various geometry and geometry related operation utilities.
    • string utility namespace to deal with psl::string operations.
    • templates