
  • core the engine core, here all graphics resources and render operations are described.
    • data contains all data types that can be serialized to/from disk.
    • ecs All ECS related implementations.
    • gfx namespace that deals with the abstract render objects
    • igles OpenGLES API abstraction.
    • ivk deals with all objects that are directly mapped to vulkan objects (i.e. they have internal vulkan concepts in them)
    • meta contains all extensions to the psl::meta namespace.
    • os specific OS wrappers and resources.
    • resource deals with resource creation, tracking, and managing.
    • systems contains systems that are responsible for handling certain aspects (audio, input, physics, etc..).
  • memory this namespace contains types and utilities for managing regions of memory
  • psl paradigm standard library
    • concepts Utility concepts.
    • ecs Entity Component System.
    • math conversions
    • meta contains utilities to identify types and instances at runtime and on disk.
    • string16 UTF-16 class namespace that contains the typedefs for the string objects, as well as helper methods.
    • string32 UTF-32 class namespace that contains the typedefs for the string objects, as well as helper methods.
    • string8 UTF-8 class namespace that contains the typedefs for the string objects, as well as helper methods.
  • std STL namespace.
  • utility this namespace contains various helper utilities to aid you.
    • binary contains various utilities in helping you to convert to, and from a byte stream.
    • geometry various geometry and geometry related operation utilities.
    • platform platform specific utilities that help in identifying the current platform, and various specifications of it.
      • file file i/o and manpulations utilities namespace
    • string utility namespace to deal with psl::string operations.
    • templates